Latest News2020-04-12T18:04:10-04:00

Latest News

13Sep 19

Giving thanks for supporting camps at NCFST.

Thank you Chris Li, Bill Wong and Sharifa Khan for inviting the #NCFST team to the Mid Autumn Moon Festival Gala held on September 13, 2019, at the Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Toronto. Your generous financial support for culture camps at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto is much appreciated and we value relationships that support access to land-based activities to GTA’s Aboriginal children, youth and families. 

3Sep 19

NCFST Aboriginal Headstart Preschool Program has spaces available!

Availability at 4 locations throughout Toronto. Busing may be available for those who qualify.

Aboriginal Headstart or Maajiishikatoong Zoong Mnidoowin (Building Strong Spirits) is an early intervention program for Aboriginal children aged 2 1/2 to 6 years old, and their families.  It is primarily a preschool program that prepares young Aboriginal children for school by meeting their spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs that incorporates the following components:

  • Education
  • Culture and Language
  • Social
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Parental Involvement

We highly recommend you contact your location of choice before spaces are filled.

156 Galloway Road – Waabanong (East) Aboriginal Head Start 416-969-8510 ext. 3743 or [email protected]

935 Dundas Street East – Shaawnong (South) Aboriginal Head Start 416-469-8417 or [email protected]

20 Bansley Avenue – Epnigigshmok (West) Aboriginal Head Start 416-357-9079 or [email protected]

2784 Keele Street – Kiiwednong (North) Aboriginal Head Start 416-630-3423 or [email protected]

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