Parenting Supports
Confident and engaged caregivers are vital to the success of their child’s development and the health of the community they live in. Family Supports Services provides education and early intervention supports to caregivers and children that are inclusive, holistic and culturally responsive. We embrace a service model of empowerment that focuses on building parenting skills and relationships. Caregivers of young children, 0-6 years, will work with a family support worker to assess and case manage services designed to meet their unique needs. We provide a circle of care (wrap-around) through one-to-one counselling, home visiting, group-based education and drop-in programming.
Our workers will also stand beside caregivers to navigate external Aboriginal and mainstream services that impact their lives directly including housing, employment, counselling and food security. We will also connect and encourage caregiver participation in a full range of cultural events, ceremonies and teachings at NCFST to strengthen their understanding of traditions, customs and practices grounded in Aboriginal wisdom and world views.
There are no fees connected to Family Support Services and participants will be assisted with transportation to and from services with TTC tokens. Aboriginal caregivers and children are welcome to participate in NCFST Family Supports independently of child welfare involvement.
The Family Support Program provides a positive, culturally safe space through a complete service wrap-around.
Our Programs: